Statistics South Africa Circular 24 Of 2022

Stats SA provides scientific knowledge that enables society to understand complex socio-economic
phenomena. It draws its mandate from the Statistics Act, 1999 (Act No 6 of 1999). Stats SA strives to
excel in the following five competencies: Intellectual capability to lead the scientific work of statistics,
Technological competence for purposes of large-scale processing and for complex computations and
accessibility of information to the public, Logistical competence for deployment of (forward and reverse)
logistics of large-scale field operations and for strategic choices regarding operational efficiency and
cost-effectiveness, Political competence in understanding the political environment without being
political or Politicised (commitment of delivery without fear or favour), Administrative competence: The
ability of bringing it all together.
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be submitted online on the following link:
CLOSING DATE : 15 July 2022


Check out the latest DPSA Vacancies: Statistics South Africa Circular 24 Of 2022:

Statistics South Africa
Statistics South Africa
Statistics South Africa


Statistics South Africa
Statistics South Africa
Statistics South Africa

Statistics South Africa
Statistics South Africa
Statistics South Africa

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Guide to apply DPSA Vacancies of Statistics South Africa

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Click here for the Z83 application form (Editable)

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